Sunflowers, Roses, Kale, Pencil Cactus & Lemon

Purchased: Costco
1 Seasonal Bouquet: Sunflowers, Roses, Green Trick, Button & Cushion Pom Poms, Alstromeria, Carnation & Eucalyptus
Purchased: Local Vegetable Market
1 Bunch Kale 10 stems
Purchased: Whole Foods
1 Bunch Sunflower 5 stems
1 Lemon
Purchased: Home Depot
Potted Pencil Cactus –House Plant 10 stems
DIY Step-by-Step Instructions
and set-up

Basic Repurposed Containers: Wine Bucket with 5” to 8” opening & 2 Martini Glasses
Basic Tools & Supplies: ARS floral chipper, floral blade, ½ floral tape,

Submerging Kale
Fill wine bucket ½ fill
Place 2 to 4 pieces of Kale at bottom along the inside edge creating a floating effect
Taping Wine Bucket
Four strips of ½” tape each way to form 8 strip box grid: as marked with black line for reference
Fill with cool water
Creating Shape & Line
Tips & Tricks
Designers please note the eucalyptus is tall and light may shift during arranging – adjust as needed to keep your original outline created with eucalyptus
Wine Bucket
Fill taped container with cool water
First insertion one stem of eucalyptus directly in the center open square of grid
Second and Third insertion of one eucalyptus stem in the open square on grid to right & left side of center
Fourth & fifth insertion of one kale stem in the open square of grid directly in front & back of first center insertion
Continue to fill in with kale stems creating outline of shape
Tips & Tricks
The most important tip for this is design with heavy material is to make sure you place several heavy sunflowers at back of wine bucket, so the arrangement will not tip forward.

First place one stem sunflower center front – head resting on the lip of canister
Second and Third place a long stem of sunflower following the shape & line to the right back & left back of kale
Fourth place stem of sunflower seed pod above the low center sunflower
Fifth place long stem of sunflower high at back just off the the left of sunflower seed pod
Sixth & seventh place one stem of kale on either side of center sunflower
Adjust in any area that will complement the shape & line
Tips & Tricks
When staking fruit best to let it stand for 5 minutes to see if any juice will drip out...staking the lemon before hand insures there is no damage from juice once in place. Remember… so as above…so as below. Meaning the tallest piece of floral material must be balance on the opposite side in length. Look at how the eucalyptus is floating off center left & the sweeping eucalyptus on lower right-this positioning of floral material achieves balance. No matter how high you place a piece of floral material, place the corresponding length of floral material at the bottom. In Lewis Millers “Designing Nature”book he shows the Y floral technique to perfection.

First place one green trick stem directly under tall sunflower seed pod
Second place one sunflower right and left of center sunflower
Third place one sunflower back high right of sunflower seed pod
Fourth place three rose stems tucked-in between the green trick & sunflower to the right
Fifth place stems of button pom poms individually around the center
Sixth place one lemon staked with wooden skewer at bottom left on top of kale
Adjust in any area that will complement the shape & line

One place three stems of pencil cactus (or one thin eucalyptus stem) top right of sunflower seed pod to match eucalyptus on top left
Two place one long pencil cactus stem (or one thin eucalyptus) directly under lemon sweeping to the left
Designer choice placement of pom-poms & pencil cactus (or thin eucalyptus stems) to fill-in design- creating depth
Designers choice of placement of all remaining sunflowers, kale
Readjust flowers & greens to create depth & reestablish line & shape if necessary
Fill container with cool water
Petite Design in Martini Glasses

Taping Martini Glasses
Two strips of ½” tape each way to form 4 strip box grid: as marked with black line for reference
Fill with cool water

One start at center opening of taped squares insert 1 cushion pom-pom about 3” high
Two fill in around the rim of glass under the center pom-pom with 5 to 7 pom-poms
Three remove all leaves from alstromeria flower head & insert off center to the right touching & draping over the rim
Four insert a long stem of pencil cactus at center left side of rim & sweep across the top to the right rim.
Congrats you have created flower magic – Delight in the beauty
Love the sunflowers-Sunflowers always remind me of Diego Rivera's paintings especially "Vendedora Girasoles". I also loved your "living wall" video on YouTube ( https://youtu.be/jz-3-u0Pe2U) !!!!